Volunteer Mini Bus Driver (Beckside North Hykeham)

Opportunity image

Being a volunteer Mini Bus Driver isn’t just about driving. It’s about making the journey a treat too. From starting up a sing song to picking the scenic route our Mini Bus Drivers think about what our residents would like to make the trip a fun one.

Our Mini Bus Drivers usually support a home with their own mini bus to take our residents out on trips and to outside events. Sometimes our Mini Bus Drivers will drive vehicles we’ve rented.

Many of our residents have limited mobility so our Mini Bus Drivers our mindful that they may be carrying people in wheelchairs or who would appreciate a smooth and steady journey.

Once they’ve reached their destination a lot of our Mini Bus Drivers will come along and enjoy the event with our residents. In some cases, our Mini Bus Drivers will support a few homes and run a mini bus that's shared between them.

This role is flexible and will depend on you and the need we have at the time, however, most of the activities that you’ll be supporting take place during weekdays.

You’ll build up relationships with people so ideally, we’d like a regular, longer term commitment of a couple of hours a week. Days and times are flexible; talk to us and we’ll see what suits us both.

Role Boundaries The following boundaries apply to all volunteer roles at the Trust: • All volunteers over 16 years old will require DBS clearance (Criminal Records check) and the Trust will cover the cost. • Volunteers aged between 14 and 16 years old can’t go into residents’ rooms on their own. • There are certain things only carers can do. Volunteers can’t provide personal care for residents. This involves help with dressing, visiting the toilet or eating. • Volunteers can’t support residents in moving, rising or sitting or move residents in wheelchairs until they have completed mandatory moving and handling and wheelchair training. • Volunteers must not hoist a resident • Volunteers should not attempt to give first aid unless qualified to do so. • Volunteers can’t transport residents in their own car. • Volunteers should not give or accept gifts to or from residents, relatives or employees. All gifts offered should be declared to the Home Manager. • Our communications team are responsible for all our media postings. Volunteers should not contact or speak to the media unless asked to by their manager nor should they post anything on social networking sites. • Volunteers should ask their manager before making any decision outside the scope of their role that could affect OSJCT, residents, employees or other volunteers. • Volunteers are not expected to handle complaints or safeguarding issues. They should talk to their manager in the first instance.